Why You Should Never Follow the Competition


In the pursuit of driving more sales, I know it’s tempting to copy what the big boys in your niche are doing.

And it makes sense right, surely they’ve got this ecommerce puzzle all sorted out.

Just do what they do and you’ll be fine.

Well, I’m here to tell you, following the market leaders is one of the worst things you can do.


Because the big boys in pretty much every niche are the big brands.

And these big brands have a big advantage.

They can afford to test…

They can spend thousands on a single campaign and test different angles, tweak the creative and almost endlessly refine their overall approach …

In short, they have the big budget to behave like a big brand.

So, if you’re trying to replicate what they’re doing without the same resources or understanding of the strategy…

You’ll probably end up with your entire budget spent on someone else’s experiments with little or nothing to show for it.

This follow the leader strategy is risky at best, and more likely to lead to more frustration.

And having helped hundreds of ecommerce stores owners skyrocket their sales, not once have we seen this follow the leader strategy end well.

So, instead of trying to copy the big boys, focus on your unique advantage. And that’s …

“Being You”

Because customers buy from people they know, like and trust.

And the quickest way to online sales success is building know, like and trust.

So if you’d like someone who lands on your store for the very first time to immediately know, like and trust you and be convinced there’s no better option than to purchase from you, book a call today and discover how our done-for-you TX Sales Method can quickly establish your brand and skyrocket your sales quicker than you ever thought possible.