Why Online Courses Don’t Work


There is really only one reason why anyone watches or reads our content.

And it certainly is not for my hair styling tips…

You’re consuming our content because something isn’t quite right with your ecommerce store.

Maybe sales just aren’t ticking over.

Maybe Marketing is a total mystery

Perhaps cash flow is a problem.

You might be overwhelmed with all the tech.

Or could it just be that you’ve got too much on your plate?

So, if you’re like most store owners, at some point, you thought…

“Right, I’m doing something about this”…

You then see some guru’s secret sauce course to success ad on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok or Google.

And thought, “This is exactly what I need” …

You were all excited, you took the leap of faith, joined the program and then… nothing changed.

Sales still aren’t ticking over, marketing is still a mystery, the tech is still overwhelming and you’re even more time poor and busier than ever.

Now, it might not be all that it appears on surface.

Depending on which bunch of statistics you read, the average completion rate for any paid online course is as low as 5-15% and more like 3% if the course is free.

And even then, completion usually just means they watched all the videos and ticked all the boxes.

And just because you complete a course by watching all the videos doesn’t mean you can now apply the knowledge, let alone get the same amazing out of this world one in a million results as others.

Let’s face it, most people have the best intentions when starting a course.

But they still end up caught in the daily grind of life and a million distractions or just fail to launch because of procrastination …

That’s why online courses don’t seem to work… well not for everybody anyway.

Because even if you do finish and try to apply what you’ve learnt, It’s almost impossible to make it work on the first go.

And figuring out why it doesn’t work is the hard part… You followed the instructions to the letter.

But trying to figure this out all alone is next to impossible, no matter how many blog posts, video or free cheat sheets you download

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on courses or learning. Been there done that many a times.

But it’s not for everybody. And only a very few succeed when heading down this path – the numbers don’t lie.

For everybody else, the solution is not taking on more learning, it’s taking on a team that knows what they are doing and have been through all the learning, done the testing, knows what works and what doesn’t, is in the trenches daily and has their finger on the pulse.

So if you want unlimited access and work with an expert team that can cut through all the clutter, endless hours of learning and making mistakes and drive real results, book a call today and discover how our done-for-you TX Sales Method can set you on the path to ecommerce success faster and easier than you ever thought possible.