Let’s play a quick game here. When I say “athletic shoes”. Which brands instantly come to mind? Nike, Adidas, PUMA, New Balance, Under Armour maybe? Or what if I say “sports cars” Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Aston Martin perhaps? Whether our thoughts lined up exactly I’m sure there was some similarities in our lists. And these lists are the power of “Brand Association”. You see, as your brand begins to grow, you need to start dialling in on what your customers experience and associate with your brand. You then need to consistently create valuable and engaging social content, ad campaigns and emails that amplify that brand association. This secret is consistency and being authentic with your brand. And over time that consistency and authenticity will strengthen your brand’s presence in your market and at the same time keep your brand top of mind. And consistent, powerful and authentic messaging ensures you’re the first brand your customers think of when they need products in your category. So if you want to build your ecommerce store into THE go-to brand in your market, book a call today and discover how our done-for-you TX Sales Method can place you top of mind when it comes time to buy