How to Do it All Without Sacrifice

I can still remember the very first time I tasted wine…

Let’s just say that I wasn’t a fan… at all.

And still to this day I haven’t developed a palette for it.

Let’s face it, like many things, wine is an acquired taste.

Some will love it after a time…

Some like me, just never will.

But this doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with wine. It’s just not for me.

Now back in the day, I owned a bar/restaurant that served “pub grub” as we fondly called it.

Traditional, hearty, tasty and well portioned meals. Nothing fancy…

And guess what…?

A very high percentage of our customers would order wine with their meals…

Now we carried a range of wines that perfectly matched our menu.

With the help of our wine suppliers we also spent time to learn everything there was to know about each of those wines so we could make recommendations and talk to the customers about them.

Despite me not liking wine at all, I knew everything about our selection and knew which wines complimented which meals.

I also got to know a lot about my customers and what they liked and disliked.

So what has this got to do with ecommerce?

Even though you don’t like something, doesn’t mean your customers won’t like it.

Even though you don’t like doing something doesn’t mean those things shouldn’t be done.

Can you imagine how long I would’ve stayed in business if my bar/restaurant business never served wine just because I didn’t like it?

Typically the things we don’t like doing, don’t get done.

In the ecommerce world, the two things that don’t get done are the ongoing store development and the marketing.

You don’t have to like them, you just have to get it done.

And that’s where we come in.

If you want to get off your plate all the things that you don’t want or like to do and focus on the things you do, then book a call today and discover how our done-for-you TX Sales Method can help you get it all done and grow sales faster than you ever thought possible.